Why work with us?

Schools nearby

Time is money. We get our teachers into schools that are close to their location. A shorter commute time means everyone is happy.

Excellent rates

We want our candidates to be rewarded for the hard work they put in. Our rates of pay are dependent upon experience and expertise.

Ongoing support

We are more than happy to help. Whether it’s preparation for job interviews, lesson support or even just want someone to talk to, we have your back.

Quality vetting

Our stringent vetting process ensures that our candidates are of a high quality and are compliant to work in schools.


We love what we do. We enjoy nurturing our candidates and schools to ensure bright futures of tomorrow. We want to get the right schools in touch with the right candidates.

Professional development

Want to develop your career? Let us guide you on the right path to benefit your teaching or support skills. Never stop learning.


We understand that balance is needed in our lives. We have regular social events for our vibrant community as an extra way to say thanks for your hard work. It’s a great way to meet others just like you.

Referral bonus

Know a teacher or teaching assistant looking for work? Refer them to us and enjoy £100 once they work 20 days. Terms and conditions apply.

Ready to take the next step?